Monday, November 05, 2007

Just One Hour

Wow, This Guy does watch quite a bit of TV. But don't we all these days. Oh and yes... TIVO (or whatever iteration you may own) is definitely a life changer and actually probably could save This Guy about and hour out of his 15.5 hours a week, if he worked it right and "timeshifted". Sounds more like Dr. Who than watching tv.

Anyway, I still think 15.5 hours a week may be a little much. Like he said, that doesn't even include sports which has to be at least 7 or 8 hours each weekend.

So, here's a few suggestions of what This Guy could be doing if he cut out just one hour of that 15.5 a week. I mean, "Bionic Woman". There has to be a few things better than that.

1. Sex (I know This Guy is married and this isn't probably much of an option, but hey it's still a suggestion. I won't even comment about how it probably wouldn't take an hour)
2. Drinking Beer (sure you could probably do this while watching tv. And with some of This Guy's show selections, I would recomend it. But beer drinking could be it's own activity)
3. Bowling (could be tied into #2)
4. Playing Parchesi (see previous posts)
5. Work around the house (This Guy is a homeowner for goodness sakes)
6. Talking to your friendly siding salesman (I won't even comment about how this will take MUCH longer than just an hour)
7. Playing with his cat (She's pretty cute after all)
8. Working to make "This and That in the Morning" the best radio show/blog ever
9. Figuring out how many shows you could tivo/DVR to add even more hours of tv viewing into your week.
10. Sex (It doesn't hurt to beg.... I mean ask a second time)

So, there you go, This Guy. I hope some of the suggestions help.

Remember they don't call it the BOOB TUBE for nothing.

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