Friday, November 16, 2007

Re: It's Not Even Thanksgiving Yet, You A*%hole

Wow, Nov. 13th and you've already listened to a Christmas CD. I'm going to assume it's the first Christmas as a father thing that you have going on. I will say you probably have too much time on your hands if you've watched White Christmas. However, I'm not one to suppress people's freedom's, so if you want to play Christmas music in April, I'm ok with that. You do have to admit, that's a pretty funny note to leave on someone's porch. It's probably going a little too far in destroying the decorations, but yet again, kinda funny if it didn't happen to you.

I'm also a big fan of Christmas, but it's not the same as you grow older. What I'm not a big fan of is change, that is when it comes to a change in tradition. Christmas has changed. Stores are starting Holiday Sales (notice the date of the article) earlier and earlier. Christmas Day, which used to be a day of presents, football, and food, is now a day of presents, football, food, and travel (usually shuttling between my family and my wife's). Maybe I just don't like traveling. The only plus to driving on Christmas Day is that there aren't many people on the highways.

For me, it just won't ever be Christmas before Thanksgiving. I won't watch those movies or listen to that music until after the best feast of the year. I still won't shop until it's mid-December. I may not be able to control the family traditions of Christmas, but I can still have my own. So until after that tryptophan kicks in, it's not Christmas. The tree won't go up before Dec. 5th, the lights won't be put up until probably the coldest day of the year. But that's just me, enjoy your holiday bliss, and goodluck finding space to store all that junk great stuff your kid's gonna get for the first Christmas.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's Not Even Thanksgiving Yet, You A*%hole

So, a local tv station reported that was the note left on a guy's front porch after somebody completely destroyed their Christmas Decorations.

The station had a soundbyte from the cops about how horrible this crime was and even Santa chimed in on how naughty those people are being. (Full Disclosure: my wife is a reporter at previously mentioned station... not that it really matters, but I always wanted to do a full disclosure thing)

So, it got me thinking. I used to think that Christmas came way too early every year and it was just those "greedy" capitalist pigs taking over a very sacred holiday. (Think the Charlie Brown Christmas Special) But something this year has changed for me. I don't know if it's because I'm now a Dad or just because I just really love Christmas. But this year, I've already popped in the Christmas CD in the car, and hell I'm man enough to admit it. I watched "White Christmas" earlier today. I am in the Christmas spirit and I don't care who hears it.

My feeling is that the world can be a bad enough place and can it really hurt to spread a little more Christmas cheer a few weeks early? And before all you Holy Rollers get up in my rosy cheeks. I do realize that Jesus is the Reason for the Season. And, if I remember my Sunday School teacher well enough, Jesus was all about spreading love and kindness throughout the world. So, take that Jerry Falwell (oh wait, he's dead... crap).

Anyway, I want to know what our listeners... I mean readers think and especially This Guy.

Do we need a little Christmas on November 13th?

And if we do... I will guarantee you it wil be the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tapped danced with Danny F%&ing Kay.