The station had a soundbyte from the cops about how horrible this crime was and even Santa chimed in on how naughty those people are being. (Full Disclosure: my wife is a reporter at previously mentioned station... not that it really matters, but I always wanted to do a full disclosure thing)
So, it got me thinking. I used to think that Christmas came way too early every year and it was just those "greedy" capitalist pigs taking over a very sacred holiday. (Think the Charlie Brown Christmas Special) But something this year has changed for me. I don't know if it's because I'm now a Dad or just because I just really love Christmas. But this year, I've already popped in the Christmas CD in the car, and hell I'm man enough to admit it. I watched "White Christmas" earlier today. I am in the Christmas spirit and I don't care who hears it.
My feeling is that the world can be a bad enough place and can it really hurt to spread a little more Christmas cheer a few weeks early? And before all you Holy Rollers get up in my rosy cheeks. I do realize that Jesus is the Reason for the Season. And, if I remember my Sunday School teacher well enough, Jesus was all about spreading love and kindness throughout the world. So, take that Jerry Falwell (oh wait, he's dead... crap).
Anyway, I want to know what our listeners... I mean readers think and especially This Guy.
Do we need a little Christmas on November 13th?
And if we do... I will guarantee you it wil be the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tapped danced with Danny F%&ing Kay.
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