Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Letters, lots and lots of letters!

So, how do you really know it's the holiday season? It's not the tons of money flying out of your wallet or the Hard Rock Station that's now featuring Barry Manilow and Perry Cuomo. You really know it's the holiday season because your mailbox (the real one not that e-thing everyone is talking about these days) is stuffed with Christmas cards and Christmas letters (I will use Christmas because I simply don't know very many people who are celebrating the Festival of Lights and the ones I do know don't send me a letter.)

We've averaged about 4 cards per day in the past week, and almost all of them have a nicely written one page letter inside of them that updates us on what has happened in the last year. It got me thinking--maybe I should write a Christmas letter. Ok, so what would I put in our letter? In February we got a cat! Oh, and a niece (but maybe I should let the brother tell that one since my letter will go mostly to the same people as his would). Ok, then in August we traveled to a mid-western state to celebrate Mrs. This Guy's grandmother's 90th birthday. Mrs. This Guy and I celebrated our first anniversary (with a take home meal from Outback Steak House because Mrs. This Guy had taken ill.) Um...then what happened? In December we got new siding on our house!

There it is. Man, it would be tough to fill out a full page with that year. That's kind of depressing. Our entire year would consist of not even an entire blog post. We had fun though. Oh, and the cat doesn't let us sleep through the night (even my niece does that).

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