Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New Year!
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Just a Little Bit More Than 60 Days
But either way, as a Phillies fan I have very little to be sorry about. I get to root for possibly the best Phillies teams ever assembled and as the saying goes, "Wait 'til next year."
Speaking of that, I heard the pefect quote from the great Rogers Hornsby today.
“People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring.”
February will be here before you know it.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
59 Years Ago... Robert Redford Played for the Phillies?
So, it's the Phillies and the Yankees in the Fall Classic in 2009. The losingest vs. the winningest (in the American league, at least). Yes, I am aware that I just made up two words, but for the sake of this blog, let's just go with it, ok?.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Hilarious (maybe NSFW)
I think the fact that he goes on to sexually harrass his co-anchor really makes this even funnier.
Friday, September 11, 2009
8 years...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Who's a bigger villian?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
My Heart Broke a Little
Now, I have to take you back to July of 2006. That's when Mrs. That Guy and I found out we were having a baby. It was decided very quickly that our baby was going to be a Phillies fan like her dad. Mrs. That Guy is an Orioles fan (mostly thanks to her college years spent in Baltimore and to be honest I even root for the Birds when they aren't playing the Fightins). So before our daughter's little brain was even fully developed a deal was struck. I gave up my rights for her to be an Eagles fan and Mrs. That Guy gave up on her chance to have a little Orioles cheerleader. Since the NFL pretty much blows and I am lucky if I watch more than a quarter the whole season, I figured I really got the good end of the deal.
The little one really seemed to enjoy being a Phillies fan (after birth, that is). Even though all the experts said babies shouldn't watch tv, I would let her watch an inning or so and she would love it. This past October, her favorite phrase was "Let's go Phillies!"
Ok now more recent history. This past Sunday we took my father-in-law to an Orioles game as a belated father's day gift. It was a great day. Mrs. That Guy, This Guy and Mrs. This Guy, This and That Guy's parents and That Guy's mother and sister-in-law all were there. Even after nearly 15 years, Camden Yards is a great place to watch a game and despite the heat we all had a great time. I "allowed" the little one to wear Orioles gear and she was really getting into the game. You have never seen anything more cute than when a two year old yells charge right on cue.
So finally back to tonight. As we drive home, I suggest that we listen to the Phillies on the radio. And the answer was, "Daddy, I don't like the Phillies. I want to hear the Orioles."
Well, my heart dropped quicker than a Brad Lidge slider. My dreams of a lifetime of suffering along with my daughter (last year as the obvious exception)as a Phils fan was "out of here". How could I let this happen? It was just too cute when she said, "Go O's!". How could I have known that one day at an O's game would change two and a half years of hard work? I mean, I was sad when a 6 year old This Guy spent one summer as a Giants fan (Yeah I know. One can only wonder why that happened) but this was totally different. My mind started racing as to how to change her mind. My first response was saying what I always say to her when she does something that dissapoints me, "Daddy is very sad that you don't like the Phillies," I said. Her response, "You're right daddy. I like the Phillies."
Phew, if only I knew it was that easy. I wonder if that will work when she is 16?
So for now our family is back to normal and all is right as the pennant race gets underway. Let's go Phillies!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Thank you, Mr. Watson
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Just some random political thoughts...
Your ideas are good ideas. They make sense, they're wonderful. I can't say they're bad ideas or that the ideas are stupid. I hope I never make an argument where I don't mention that your idea is a good one. Chances are they're not.*
Your problem and why you're simply wrong-- your ideas won't work, EVER. It's not ever going to work, it never has worked. Ask the USSR--oh wait, you can't. I just hope you learn that sooner rather than later.
The biggest problem I have with your president (I can say that because I didn't vote for him-- sure he's still my president, but when we disagree I can blame it on you for voting for him) is that the people who elected him didn't actually vote for him. They voted against what was previously there. Sure, there were plenty of people who wanted to vote for him, but it certainly wasn't because of his political views.
You can think of it as a baseball team who fires a manager because he's too much of a hard ass. The players start complaining, the fans start complaining and the next thing you know the next manager hired is a player's manager-- the exact opposite of the hard ass. It rarely works out. I say rarely because many of you know that's exactly what the Phillies did following the firing of Larry Bowa. I would like to remind you that it was Charlie Manuel last season who was second in the league in ejections.
Anyway, all I'm saying is that This Guy thinks your ideas (whether it be universal health care, a house for all the homeless, world peace, or communism) are good in theory. This Guy also thinks you are a fool if you think any of them can ever be accomplished without hurting the people who matter most.
*This Guy reserves the right to call your idea or you stupid should he deem it necessary.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sorry for all the sad posts...
Two months ago today, a very good friend of mine was murdered. I haven't written about it because I didn't know how exactly to say the right things. I still don't and the truth is, whatever I say won't bring him back.
Daniel Coverston was 22 years old. He stood by me on my wedding day and I was proud to have him there. I met Dan through my wife, who grew up with him. They were like brother and sister. I think the toughest part about his death is expecting to see him the next time and not totally realizing there won't be a next time.
We know why Paul Harvey died-- he was old. We know why Harry Kalas died-- he had a bad heart, and had lived a full life. We may never know why Daniel was killed. There are rumors and theories and speculation. The truth is, we'll probably never find out. That just makes it harder.
Anyone who knew Daniel, knew him as someone who couldn't sit still-- EVER. Most of you know that I detest the sport of soccer. There was no more perfect fit for a sport than soccer for Daniel. He could run around as much as he needed. I spent a lot of time with Dan and he was one of the most genuine kids I've ever known. He wore his emotions on his sleeve and told you straight out how he felt.
While words seem to escape me, I just wanted to say I miss him. I can only imagine that God called him way too early so he could run around up there and play soccer because he needed more time to get all that energy out of his system.
We miss you, Dan. Until it's our time, watch over us and put one more in the Upper V just for me.